Saturday, March 24, 2018


Australia - Let's explore the land down Under!

The smallest continent and a place with much diversity,  Australia holds much for us to discover. 
What can we find in the water and on land; in the people who have lived there anciently and people who have found a home there more recently.  Contributions have been made from every corner of the earth including Australia.  Please post your findings,  I'm excited to find out more about Australia.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Eureka: Gratitude

Science and math lens (nature):  For Gratitude,  we will be studying water. 

What are properties and uses of water that you can discuss? What examples of water can you find in the scriptures?

Explore  Libraries of Hope, Ocean and Sea Life link here .   Also consider the Universal Flood and the impact it had on the earth today.  See attached file from pgs 20,21 of the UM summary book.  

–  After you have searched what you can learn about this months principle; please post  to the blog your favorite finding by Saturday evening. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Leadership: Gratitude

Word study our principle of the month and other related words.  (a possible resource could be: A Meeting with the Principle pg 30;)

Let your word study guide you to find examples of this principle in your life
and other resources available to you.  Questions you might ask: How does gratitude affect you spiritually?, physically?, mentally?, emotionally?, financially?

Get a poster board or large sheet of paper and draw an outline of a tree. See if you can add leaves of Gratitude to your tree everyday.  Plan to bring your tree to show our group on the last week of the month.

By Saturday night please post to the blog something you felt was most impactful for you in your study of Gratitude. Please share how or where others could also learn more.

Imaginative Arts: Patience & Compassion

Imaginative Arts Freckles was not given a real name at the orphanage.  The children at the orphanage call him Freckles because of hi...